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Bipolar Mood Disorder Causes

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric diagnosis of mood disorders is described. State is defined by the presence of one or more episodes of increased energy, cognition, and mood imbalances including depression episode. Bipolar disorder is common among children and adults and is caused by various factors. About 1.2 percent of the population suffers from bipolar disorder. Due to the high prevalence of disease, is the best way to deal with people with bipolar disorder live host. Therefore, it is to assist in the psychiatric and community for people with bipolar disorder. 

Bipolar disorder also known as manic-depression. This leads to extreme mood wing including euphoria (mania) and mood (depression small) (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010). This means that people who suffer from bipolar disorder have a stable sense of movement and down depending on various circumstances. Bipolar disorder affects mainly the chemical imbalances that affect the control functions of the brain and the emotions. Chemical imbalance emotional control will be combined mainly by a complex mixture of genetic factors and the environment with environmental factors that lead to end some genes with bipolar disorder.There are different types of bipolar disorder type system, shows another pattern of symptoms. Various types of bipolar disorder, including (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010):Bipolar I - This type of bipolar disorder to mood swings that create problems in the workplace, in schools and in regular contact. Shown dangerous severe manic episode.Bipolar II disorder is less severe than bipolar I therefore grew irritable mood, and changes in normal operation. However, to go with their life in general. These people are not fully developed yet, but mania hypomania, a less severe form of mania. People with this type of bipolar disorder, however, showed the elongated depression.Cyclothymia - is a mild form of bipolar disorder. People with this disorder usually appear dangerous hyponomanic bipolar and depression, but the highs and lows associated with these types of less severe than bipolar I and bipolar II.


Bipolar disorder is common in all the world, especially in communities that have experienced traumatic events in their lives. In the United States, statistics show that nearly 2.3 million adults suffer from bipolar disorder (WD, 2010). What is 1.2 percent of the population. Statistics also show that about 1 percent of people who suffer from bipolar disorder, 18 years and older in a given year. In Canada, there are approximately 390,094 people who suffer from bipolar disorder (WD, 2010). 

Bipolar disorder can sometimes be difficult to diagnose, and people can live with the disease for more than 10 years before they finally diagnosed. Diagnosis is difficult because of the two diseases (Read, 2010). Most people with the disease usually medical treatment if they seem they are manic depression. In addition, shares of bipolar disorder. A variety of symptoms that are difficult with other psychiatric problems such as schizophrenia, diagnosis There are no laboratory tests that can confirm bipolar disorder, but was diagnosed with a simple question Mood Questionnaire (MDQ) (Read, 2010). It seems that the whole history of the symptoms, and if a close relative with the disease. He is also a medical history and physical examination for any disease or physical condition to mimic bipolar disorder. 

Challenging behaviors 
People with bipolar disorder exhibit many different symptoms that are difficult to treat. However, this behavior differs from one person to another. For some people, depression is difficult to treat than others, while the manic behavior to explain the key issues (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010). Some people have set all the symptoms of illness, including manic depression and hyposomanic caused mixed episodes, which are very difficult to treat. For extreme manic, the following behavior is difficult to treat (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010): 
i passion
ii. Inflated self
iii. Rapid Speechiv. Aggressive 
v excitement and irritation
vi. Increasing physical activity 
vii. Spending more and uninformed financial decisions
viii. Increased sex drive 
ix. Frequent absences from work or schoolof
x. PsychosisFor those depressive phase of bipolar disorder, the following conditions are difficult to treat (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2010): 
i grief
ii. Insomnia 
iii. Thoughts of suicide 
iv. Impossibility
v appetite or less 
vi. Angry 
vii. Absenteeism from work or school often leads to poor results 
Furthermore, to treat people with bipolar disorder, difficult because it is a seasonal fluctuation in mood (Lesley, 2009). Commonly referred to as seasonal affected disorder, people tend to suffer from this condition, change their mood with the seasons. Some people also shows their moods change quickly. In one year, four or more mood swings or can be changed in a matter of hours, just to name a few. In addition, children and adolescents exhibit different behavior, including explosive temper, mood swings, irresponsible behavior and violence are difficult to deal with because it can be mistaken for problems during adolescence. 

Accommodation and Modification 
Accommodation is one of the most common strategy for people with bipolar disorder. When considering accommodation for people with bipolar disorder, it is to be noted that the method must be a specific reference to the individual and not the group (Anglanda, 2002) can be performed. It is important to consider the capabilities and limitations of people resulting from disability and behavior vary from one individual to another. Accommodation support the integration of people with bipolar entire community. It makes them feel like part of the community, and with the impact of their condition can be reduced. Most people with bipolar disorder may need a different type of accommodation. Here are some ideas that home for people with bipolar disorder (Lesley, 2009) will be used:
 i flexible licensing school health problems
 ii. So that they learn at home
iii. Give praise and positive reinforcement 
iv. Counseling or referral for assistance advisory
v incentives and support programs seem 
vi. Minimize disruption in school 
vii. Provide frequent breaks during learning 
viii. Give them despite the workload and flexible working hours 
ix. Enter learning opportunitiesof
x. Maintain open communication with them.xi. Surgery to attend school or on foot 

Besides accommodation, the change is another important strategy used to treat people with bipolar disorder. Been to help change behavior as a key strategy for people with bipolar disorder identified. Behavior change, particularly to the reward system to encourage them to get the desired behavior in an effort to replace the unwanted behavior (Anglanda, 2002). In some cases, the penalty can also be used to deter unwanted behavior, especially among children. Behavioral changes that are primarily used to control the behavior of the opposition control argumentative and aggressive early onset accompany bipolar disorder. It uses a table that marked changes in behavior and rewards given.
