Mood Disorders Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia Mood Disorder
Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that makes it difficult to manage emotionally difficult to distinguish fantasy and reality as an effective social interaction tends to be affected. Men and women who suffer from schizophrenia have significant loss of contact with reality, and they also suffer from delusions and hallucinations that can last for more than half a year. These barriers may hinder their potential to generate complex operational standards, as well as for her being careful treatment. Victims of this disease in some strange methods act like they can hear or see things that are not there. People with schizophrenia have a phobia or confusion, as usually is the one who really had the feeling that other people are always looking for, and who want to harm them. This topic has been in the 5 axis, dyed diagnosis of schizophrenia, Rodney case study.
Schizophrenia can be people of all ages, but according to statistics, the prevalence recorded in the age for men is 25 while for girls is about 30 years (Miller & Mason, 2002). In cases of a rare, schizophrenia affects adolescents and children with slightly different symptoms. The first symptoms of schizophrenia and recognized characters to find better assistance without any delay. This simplifies the process of rapid recovery treatment decisions for patients and being able to bring the content and fulfilled life. The first symptoms of schizophrenia decreased hygiene, depression, social withdrawal, laugh or cry that is not ideal, so to speak weird and hostility. For many people with schizophrenia have continued to reduce the number of light through everyday life (Turner, 2004).
Symptoms of schizophrenia are more dynamic than the time, but the most common speech disorganization, hallucinations, delusions, disorganized behavior and negative symptoms.Disorganized speech is full of people thinking and talking freely where patients feel associations, sounds, and word creation perseverations. These symptoms can vary, the type of psychiatric schizophrenia paranoid schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, and schizophrenia Catatonic. Trigger time is not enough to distinguish from schizophrenia, but the very thought that schizophrenia results from a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors (Turner, 2004). To start the treatment Rodney, first described five diagnostic axes.
Axis I-295, 1 schizophrenia, disorganized type
-92.84 Mood disorder due to hallucinogens
Deferred Axis II
Axis III-300, 7 Hypochondriasis
Axis IV V62.2 workplace issues
Axis V-30: behavior is influenced by delusions or hallucinations or serious impairment in communication or judgment or inability to function in almost all affected areas.
Rodney called Axis I diagnosis leading to clinical disorders, including all psychiatric diagnoses, with the exception of mental retardation and mood disorders. As shown from the obvious symptoms and Rodney know that strange behavior, we diagnose schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Imagination and the social production of realistic illusion that Rodney is kind to isolate the sound schizophrenic psychosis. Despite some signs of antisocial personality disorder Axis II diagnosis is delayed in our case, because we can not run concurrently with the diagnosis of axis I and axis II. Walking though Rodney was still suffering from Axis I diagnosis will lead us in the evaluation of their imitation. Axis II diagnosis was first diagnosed in infancy or child and difficult to bear, and then follow multiple contacts with physicians (Versola-Russo, 2006). Second diagnosis Axis III diagnosis requires normal physical condition, a valuable aid in the management of mental health problems may Rodney. Since Rodney seemed headaches and hypothyroidism are identified provisions suffer from depression and lead to a deterioration of mental symptoms diagnosed on Axis I and hypothyroidism detected on axis I and axis III.
Axis IV diagnosis based on psychosocial variables and working with environmental pressure, in our case, we will help diagnose problems at work. Rodney is not constructive eventful life in their profession and bad environmental challenges for businesses. Rodney is the number assigned to the story exactly where it does is to bring into line with reality. Save this diagnose Rodney pessimistic psychological pressure that concern. Finally, to help direct the production of fully living Rodney apply Axis V diagnostic performance evaluation. We Rodney, in our view, a clear diagnosis in the works based on their behavior is influenced by hallucinations, delusions, disordered important communication and general inability to function routine (Versola-Russo, 2006) are affected. The difference in the feeling to be among the largest cultural, and you can eventually run marginal customer data. Communication style has a key value during treatment. A patient with cultural values and beliefs are different from your doctor may suggest. Means a variety of symptoms, which leads to the misunderstanding continued support of the family is low in order to maximize support PTA "can offer its customers.