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Mood Disorders Schizophrenia

By On 18.20

Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that makes it difficult to manage emotionally difficult to distinguish fantasy and reality as an effective social interaction tends to be affected. Men and women who suffer from schizophrenia have significant loss of contact with reality, and they also suffer from delusions and hallucinations that can last for more than half a year. These barriers may hinder their potential to generate complex operational standards, as well as for her being careful treatment. Victims of this disease in some strange methods act like they can hear or see things that are not there. People with schizophrenia have a phobia or confusion, as usually is the one who really had the feeling that other people are always looking for, and who want to harm them. This topic has been in the 5 axis, dyed diagnosis of schizophrenia, Rodney case study.

Schizophrenia can be people of all ages, but according to statistics, the prevalence recorded in the age for men is 25 while for girls is about 30 years (Miller & Mason, 2002). In cases of a rare, schizophrenia affects adolescents and children with slightly different symptoms. The first symptoms of schizophrenia and recognized characters to find better assistance without any delay. This simplifies the process of rapid recovery treatment decisions for patients and being able to bring the content and fulfilled life. The first symptoms of schizophrenia decreased hygiene, depression, social withdrawal, laugh or cry that is not ideal, so to speak weird and hostility. For many people with schizophrenia have continued to reduce the number of light through everyday life (Turner, 2004).

Symptoms of schizophrenia are more dynamic than the time, but the most common speech disorganization, hallucinations, delusions, disorganized behavior and negative symptoms.Disorganized speech is full of people thinking and talking freely where patients feel associations, sounds, and word creation perseverations. These symptoms can vary, the type of psychiatric schizophrenia paranoid schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia, and schizophrenia Catatonic. Trigger time is not enough to distinguish from schizophrenia, but the very thought that schizophrenia results from a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors (Turner, 2004). To start the treatment Rodney, first described five diagnostic axes.

Axis I-295, 1 schizophrenia, disorganized type

-92.84 Mood disorder due to hallucinogens

Deferred Axis II

Axis III-300, 7 Hypochondriasis

Axis IV V62.2 workplace issues

Axis V-30: behavior is influenced by delusions or hallucinations or serious impairment in communication or judgment or inability to function in almost all affected areas.

Rodney called Axis I diagnosis leading to clinical disorders, including all psychiatric diagnoses, with the exception of mental retardation and mood disorders. As shown from the obvious symptoms and Rodney know that strange behavior, we diagnose schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Imagination and the social production of realistic illusion that Rodney is kind to isolate the sound schizophrenic psychosis. Despite some signs of antisocial personality disorder Axis II diagnosis is delayed in our case, because we can not run concurrently with the diagnosis of axis I and axis II. Walking though Rodney was still suffering from Axis I diagnosis will lead us in the evaluation of their imitation. Axis II diagnosis was first diagnosed in infancy or child and difficult to bear, and then follow multiple contacts with physicians (Versola-Russo, 2006). Second diagnosis Axis III diagnosis requires normal physical condition, a valuable aid in the management of mental health problems may Rodney. Since Rodney seemed headaches and hypothyroidism are identified provisions suffer from depression and lead to a deterioration of mental symptoms diagnosed on Axis I and hypothyroidism detected on axis I and axis III.

Axis IV diagnosis based on psychosocial variables and working with environmental pressure, in our case, we will help diagnose problems at work. Rodney is not constructive eventful life in their profession and bad environmental challenges for businesses. Rodney is the number assigned to the story exactly where it does is to bring into line with reality. Save this diagnose Rodney pessimistic psychological pressure that concern. Finally, to help direct the production of fully living Rodney apply Axis V diagnostic performance evaluation. We Rodney, in our view, a clear diagnosis in the works based on their behavior is influenced by hallucinations, delusions, disordered important communication and general inability to function routine (Versola-Russo, 2006) are affected. The difference in the feeling to be among the largest cultural, and you can eventually run marginal customer data. Communication style has a key value during treatment. A patient with cultural values ​​and beliefs are different from your doctor may suggest. Means a variety of symptoms, which leads to the misunderstanding continued support of the family is low in order to maximize support PTA "can offer its customers.

Weather Mood Disorder

By On 18.00

For most of us, it is clear that we tend to change the mood and feelings. Some of us are still very active in certain weather conditions, while sleeping in different weather conditions. The most important mechanism of how weather affects our mood and feeling is defined as explained by the role of the hormone serotonin, which is associated with depression and other houses. It is believed that these hormones are affected by climate change.

Scientists have postulated the existence of seasonal affective disorder in which the mood of an individual changes with the weather conditions, however, proved to be influenced by changes in winter and summer comes to a change in climate. Although do not get sick, I spent some time feeling and my emotions change depending on weather conditions.

I experienced this during the winter, I tend to be too cold. This means that in some cases only meditate. I did not talk much during the winter, and tend to remain silent. My mood is very low in the winter months compared to other seasons.

Instead, I have a good experience when the mood and feeling of summer. I am very active in the months warmer, and I love to talk. I also found that the course the season at home, I have to move a lot and it's very rare that I find on the inside. My mood is usually during the summer than other seasons as well. However, they also found that extreme heat, they get bored and quite active tend Also at this time, I will spend more time at home.

So change the mood and feelings with climate change. While I'm not saying I have seasonal affective disorder, I have found that changes in the weather affect my mood and feelings.

Understanding major depression

By On 17.47

It is part of being human than sad events or loss of someone or something is not recommended. With this in mind, what else is major depression? Boundary between normal sadness and mood disorders treated?

Major depressive disorder, also called major depressive disorder - MDD, recurrent depressive disorder, depression, unipolar depression, or unipolar disorder, as a state of mind that all constraints and low activity, including alleged described pleasant. Patients with major depressive disorder is often treated with antidepressants Zoloft is recommended that. Can interact dangerous often given as monotherapy Zoloft with alcohol and other substances.

We often immediately associate with depression and mood in MDD without clinical significance. MDD can fascinate the general state of health, family, work or study, sleep habits, and eat, and live. Test is done to diagnose major depressive disorder in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Statisticla (DSM-IV-TR).

Traditionally, there are two main symptoms of MDD - depressed mood and Anhedonia (the inability to happiness activities that used to be good for the Express), one of these symptoms must be present. These symptoms, however, need to be continued for at least the past 2 weeks. In addition, the DSM-IV-TR does not contain the symptoms of pain due to normal grief, but could possibly be a depressive illness.

However, the following symptoms may be present in a person suffering from MDD:Significant weight in the absence of a plan or weight gain, or changes in appetiteInsomnia or Tired (excessive sleep)Psychomotor agitation or retardationFatigue or loss of energyFeelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt or inappropriateDiminished ability to concentrate or indecisivenessRecurrent thoughts of death ideation, repeated suicide or attempted suicideMDD and serious mood disorder and need medical attention.

In addition, self medication Zoloft is also recommended, especially if you do not have a diagnosis of major depression. Adverse effects, including Zoloft birth defects can occur if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.

Anxiety can be a chronic disorder

By On 17.00

Stress, anxiety, fear, anxiety and fear are often feelings of the people today. These feelings are part of everyday life. Only the face of anxiety or stress does not mean you need medical help. Fear of sudden changes in moods change often fear, anxiety, stress. In simple words, the fear of feelings of sadness, fear, anxiety, and so on are some of the obvious concern, worry, as soon as exam results or efficiency concerns but fear for no particular reason and interfere with sleep at night to cause concern. Anger is a sign of a lot of emotional problems. Many teenagers end up with symptoms such as anxiety. The maximum number of young witnesses have concerns. Concerns have a significant impact on real life. For these people, anxiety disorders, their prices;

• Panic Disorder

• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 
• Disorder PTSD
• Phobias
• General Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety becomes a problem when the symptoms become chronic and interference in daily life and routine. Same concerns many serious physical problems. The problems associated with the heart, lungs, nervous system, and various other problems such as stomach pain, diarrhea, weakness and shortness of breath or feeling as if you have a disease or a heart attack. People who suffer from chronic anxiety often faced with the problem;

• Muscle tension 

• physical stress 
• Memory Problems 
• sweaty palms
• anxiety or confusion 
• inability to think
• continuing concern 
• Shortness of breath• heartbeat 
• Stomach 
• Lack of concentration 

Therapy and medication can significantly increase your anxiety. In addition, the person suffers anxiety drugs to overcome stress life of his / her daily life. Take immediate action to eliminate this problem is important to lead a healthy normal life,. For the best chance of cure, the following actions should be taken;

• If physical illness. Cause of fear, that the first step should be to treat this disease example, if the thyroid gland is a source of fear, that the first step should be to treat the disease with surgery or drugs 

• If the cause of psychological concerns, the following factors need to be restored. For example, if the cause is difficult to get a doctor's recommendation to the Board marriage. 
• If the cause of anxiety is not recognized, the only way to remedy this situation by reducing symptoms. 
• Take anti-anxiety medication prescribed by a doctor. 
• With all the psychotherapy treatment was also beneficial

Doctors and psychiatrists who specialize in medical treatment does not have the experience to treat anxiety disorders or problems. Doctors recommend care and attention, even if it is only mild symptoms. Physician and reasonable care in accordance with demand. There are many social workers to meet the needs of the less fortunate and the sick. Social workers are nurses who are educated and trained to identify problems and offer physiotherapy
